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       发布时间:2014-04-11 10:17:08

    《大学语文、大学英语》综合模拟题大学语文部分:一、选择题: 1 .《谏逐客书》中,弃黔首以资敌国,却宾客以业诸侯采用的修辞方法是(C...

    1 .《谏逐客书》中,“弃黔首以资敌国,却宾客以业诸侯”采用的修辞方法是(C)
    A.比喻     B.层递
    C.对偶     D.排比
    2 .我国田园诗派的开创者是(A)
    A .陶渊明                 B .王维
    C .孟浩然                 D .李白
    3 .《山居秋暝》 是一首(D)
    A .边塞诗                 B .爱情诗
    C .山水诗                 D .田园诗
    4 .我国诗歌史上被称为“诗史”的是__________的诗歌?(A)
    A .李白                   B .屈原
    C .白居易                 D .杜甫
    5 .《郑伯克段于鄢》 中“大都不过参国之一”, “参国之一”的意思是(D)
    A .参加国之一        B .三个国家中的一个
    C .三个国都中的一个  D .国都的三分之一
    6 .鲁迅在《灯下漫笔》 中,用“人肉的筵宴”为喻是为了说明(D)
    A .中国文明的实质     B .中国精神文明的核心
    C .奴化心态           D .中国历史的可怕
    7 .《郑伯克段于鄢》 中“大都不过参国之一”, “参国之一”的意思是(A)
    A .参加国之一        B .三个国家中的一个
    C .三个国都中的一个  D .国都的三分之一
    8 . “其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从”的原出处是(C)
    A .《史记》         B . 《论语》
    C .《左传》         D .《资治通鉴》
    9 .韩愈《张中丞传后叙》 中,与刻画南雾云性格的描写无关的是(B)
    A .博闻强记         B .拔刀断指
    C .义不忍食         D .射塔明志
    10 .属于唐宋八大家的是(C)
    A .白居易          B .刘禹锡
    C .柳宗元          D .李白
    11、我国诗歌史上被称为”诗仙”的是(B )
    A.屈原       B.李白       C.杜甫       D.陶渊明 
    12、《李将军列传》中,李广和李蔡的对比描写,主要是为了表现李广的(   D   )
    A.骁勇善战      B.爱护士卒     C.负能使气      D.不幸遭遇
    13、“红装素裹,分外妖娆”二句运用的修辞手法是(   C  )
    A.象征    B.比喻     C.比拟     D.用典
    14、李白《登金陵凤凰台》,在“凤凰台上凤凰游,凤去台空江自流”之后感叹人事变迁的诗句是(  D )
    15、陆游《书愤》中高度概括历史事实与自身经历的名句是(   B   )
    16 分为两层: “故曰”以前为第一层, 是驳论; “故曰”之后为第二层, 是立论。
    17 天下事可耕且为也。
    18 反诘、排比。
    19. 表现了词人对亡妻的深厚感情和无限思念。
    20. 梧桐半死和白天鸳鸯喻恩爱夫妻中年丧偶
    21. 借景抒情,借事抒情,接举止抒情,借典故抒情,借比喻抒情
    (三)阅读《季氏将伐撷臾》 中的一段文字,然后回答下面的问题。
    22. 找出其中的双重比喻句,并指出其是如何比喻的。
    24. 指出该段文字采用了那些修辞手法、表现手法。
    25. 受到时空限制:在茫茫宇宙中一个小小角落的一颗小小星球的生命史上,人类仅仅是一个短短的插曲;受到智能的限制:宇宙中其他地方还有一些生物,他们优越于我们的程度不亚于我们优越于水母的程度。
    26 .宇宙无限,人的认识有限;
    27 .主要运用类比论证方法。(内中也有对比论证方法)
    29. 这段文字采用了什么论证方法?
    30. 找出其中的比喻句,并说明其比喻的含义。 
    Ⅰ. Phonetics
    Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

    1. A. committee         B. employee             C. guarantee        D. disagree  A
    2. A .civil            B .curriculum    C .crystal       D .country    A
    3. A. started          B. closed        C. waited       D. needed     B
    4.A .color            B .comfortable   C .bachelor     D .born       D

    Directions: There are 10incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
    5. Human beings should find a new _______ of energy.  B
    A. orient   B. source   C. origin   D. souse
    6. The couch is comfortable to _______.  D
    A. sit   B. be sat   C. sitted   D. sit on
    7. — Ring me at six tomorrow morning, will you?
    — Why that early? I ______.  C
    A. will be sleeping      B. have slept        C. have been sleeping   D. will sleep
    8. He is the only one of the sons in the family who ______ received high education.
    A. are   B. is   C. have   D. has
    9. I am quite ____ her face , but I just cannot recall her name . D
    A. familiar at    B. familiar with  C. acquainted with  D. acquaintance
    10. You’re always moaning about something or other. I wish you ____. D
    A. shut up       B. were shut up      C. had shut up      D. would shut up
    11. ____ a little more tolerant our world would be a better place. A
    A. Were people  B. If people would    C. People were      D. Would people
    12. What would you do if you _____ your job? C
    A. lose          B. lost            C. would lose       D. will lose
    13. Mr . Wang and his son , both looking very happy , ____ taking a walk in the park. A
    A. are           B. is              C. has          D. have
    14. I would never have believed it was possible if I ____ it with my own eyes. D
    A. didn’t see      B. don’t see       C. won’t see           D. hadn’t seen

    Ⅲ. Cloze
    Directions: For each blank in the following passage , there are four choices marked A , B , C and D . Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet .
    Eggs are my favorite food. I like them __15__, hard-boiled, scrambled, or poached. I eat eggs for __16__, lunch, and dinner. I eat eggs here, there, and everywhere!
        Eggs taste great .You can eat them by__17__or as part of any meal .Eggs are__18__used as an ingredient in many prepared foods .Can you think of any foods that contain__19__?
    Eggs are really a perfect food. They are__20__in most of the nutrients we need to maintain good__21__. When a baby chicken develops __22__an egg, the egg __23__and yolk are the only foods they need.
        Many people believe that eggs are__24__. They point out that eggs contain a very high amount of cholesterol (胆固醇). Too __25__of one kind of cholesterol in our blood can cause heart disease.
    There is no evidence that eggs __26__the harmful cholesterol in our blood. When we eat foods that are__27__in cholesterol, our bodies make__28__of it to balance, or adjust.
    If you want to enjoy a tasty and healthy food, eat plenty of__29__.
    15 . A . fried         B . cooked         C . eaten         D . decorated      A
    16 . A . day          B . night           C . breakfast      D . health        C
    17. A . themselves    B . cooking         C . yourselves     D. meal         A
    18 . A . yet          B . still             C . probably      D. also          D
    19 . A . flour        B . milk             C.vitamins       D . eggs         D
    20 . A . rich         B . lacking          C. found         D .hiding        A
    21 . A . habits       B . health            C.deeds         D .luck          B
    22 . A . near         B . inside            C.under         D .outside       B
    23 . A . beaters       B . white            C. shell          D .roll          B
    24 . A . expensive     B . healthy           C.unhealthy      D .cheap        C
    25 . A . little         B . few              C.much         D .many         C
    26 . A . decrease      B . bring            C.take           D .raise         D
    27 . A . high         B . low             C.down           D .flavored      A
    28. A . more        B . less             C.fun             D .pickles        B
    29 . A . grains       B . chickens          C.cookies         D .eggs         D
    IV . Reading Comprehension
    Directions: There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four questions. For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose one best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

                               Passage One
        To find out what the weather is going to be, most people go straight to the radio, television or newspaper to get an expert weather forecast. But if you know what to look for,you can use your own senses to make weather predictions.
        There are many signs which can help you. For example, in fair weather the air pressure is generally high. The air is still and often full of dust. Faraway objects may look hazy. But when a storm is brewing, the pressure drops and you are often able to see things more clearly.
    Sailors took note of this long ago and came up with a saying "The farther the sight, the nearer the rain."
        Your sense of smell can also help you detect weather changes. Just before it rains, odors
    become stronger. This is because odors are repressed in a fair, high-pressure center. When a bad weather low moves in, air pressure lessens and odors are released.
        You can also hear an approaching storm. Sounds bounce off heavy storm clouds and return to earth with increased force. An old saying describes it this way:" Sounds traveling far and wide, a storm day will betide."
        And don’t scoff if your grandmother says she can feel a storm coming. It is commonly known that many people feel pains in their bones or in corns and bunions when the humidity rises, the pressure drops, and bad weather is on the way.
    30. The topic of this passage is ____. A
    A. Expert Weather Forecast         B. Seeing Approaching Storms
    C. Old Sayings about Weather       D. Using the Senses to Detect Weather Changes
    31. According to the passage, as a storm approaches, faraway objects look ____. B
    A. hazy because of dust in the air
    B. clearer because air pressure is high
    C. clearer because air pressure is dropping
    D. distorted because of storm clouds
    32. In the last paragraph, the writer implies that ____. B
    A. the idea of feeling a coming storm is foolish
    B. older people know a lot about weather
    C. it is possible , but unlikely , that people feel aches when a storm is coming
    D. it is definitely true that some people can feel coming weather changes
    33. The underlined word "repressed" in paragraph 3 is close to ____ in meaning. A
    A. crush       B. restrict       C. lower       D. struggle
                                      Passage Two
        Only one animal can walk 200 miles without stopping once to rest . It would take a person two days and two nights to walk this far, and only one man has ever done it without stopping. What amazing animal has such endurance? The camel! The camel is well known for something else, too. It can cross an entire desert without a single drink of water. Its body is built in a special way to help it store water and food.
        A person has just one stomach, but a camel has quite a few. Within each stomach are layers and layers of cells. These cells are like tiny water balloons, storing liquids until the camel needs them. When the camel drinks, the cells grow larger and larger. For a whole week, they can keep the animal’s thirst away by sending water to all parts of its body.
        And did you ever wonder why the camel has a hump? The hump is a storage place for fat. Because it has this storage area, the camel does not need to eat very often. When the animal needs energy, the layers of fat serve as fuel to keep it going on the long, hot days in the burning sun.
    The camel has one other gift that makes it well suited to arid regions. This gift is its amazing nose. A camel can smell a water hole from miles away!

        When a camel moves it sways from side to side like a ship on a wavy ocean. Because of this swaying motion, the camel has been called the "Ship of the Desert."
    34. The camel’s hump is a storage place for ____. D
    A. muscles          B. extra water          C. body sugars          D. fat
    35. We can conclude from this passage that camels____. A
    A. feel at home in the desert                 B. like to carry heavy loads
    C. look like ships from a distance             D. will always be useful
    36. The author compares cells with water balloons in order to ____ . B
    A. make you think of summer                B. help you visualize the cells
    C. show how rubber is elastic                D. show how many shapes cells can have
    37. The word "arid" is closest in meaning to ____. C
    A. sunny            B. flat                C. dry                 D. sandy
    Passage Three
        Animals have different ways of protecting themselves against wintertime weather. Some animals grow heavy coats of fur or feathers, while others dig into the ground to find a warm
    wintertime home.
    Some animals spend the winter in a deep sleep because by going to sleep they avoid the time of the year when food is scarce and the temperatures are low. Their sleep is known as hibernation.
    There is much about hibernation that puzzles scientists. For example, they are wondering how hibernation came into being. Some scientists have explored the possibility that animals release a chemical that starts them hibernating.
        One thing that scientists are certain about is that animals hibernate only when it is cold. Hibernation is a seasonal practice.
        Some animals that fall into a wintertime sleep are not true hibernators because they spend only a part of the cold season asleep. Bears, for example, can easily be awakened from their winter nap. They are not true hibernators.
        Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a particular animal is a true hibernator. For example, some mice hibernate, but others do not. The same is true of bats. Some of them hibernate. Others do not.
    38. Hibernation is a seasonal practice. This means it ____ . A
    A. takes place only during a particular season     B. occurs only during the night
    C. is a daily practice     D. only happens when a species becomes over-populated
    39. Some scientists believe that hibernation is started by ____. C
    A. over-eating                             B. calcium deposits
    C. a body chemical                         D. a lack of water
    40. The underlined word "hibernation" in paragraph 2 means ____. C
    A. a sleep to avoid eating                    B. a temperature in a cold weather
    C. a sleep in the cold season                  D. an animal to practice sleep in winter
    41. The main idea of this passage is ____. C
    A. many animals die during hibernation B. hibernation protects animals during the wintertime
    C. scientists feel puzzled about hibernation        D. some bats hibernate and others do not
    Passage Four
    Like everyone else working at the Limerick nuclear-power (核能) plant, Stanley Watras had to pass through the monitors (监测器) before leaving the building. Most of his co-worker passed through without a problem, but Watras, an engineer, continually set off alarms (警报). Some days he was found to be carrying six times more radiation (辐射物) than normal. Neither Watras nor his coworkers could understand where he was picking it up.
    Then one day Watras went through the door at Limerick and turned and walked back through the monitors without ever entering the power block. Yet the machines still said he was carrying radiation. "If I wasn’t picking up radiation at work, there was only one place it could be coming from. my house."
    When scientists came to test the Watrases’ home in the countryside, they found out what was the matter. The house contained so much radon (氡) that living in it for a year was like being exposed (暴露) to 260,000 chest X-rays. In the year the Watrases had spent there, they had increased their chances of getting lung cancer (癌症) by 13 or 14 percent.
    The next day the Watrases took down their Christmas tree, put their clothes in some bags and moved into a nearby hotel. "It was terrible," says Watras.
    The owner of the Limerick plant took charge of dealing with the Watrases’ radon problem as an experiment. Scientists studied every corner of the house. When the ground was dug up, they found that under the house there was a uranium (铀) -bearing rock.
    42. It was because      that Stanley Watras was carrying six times more radiation than normal. D
    A. he worked at a nuclear-power plant
    B. there was something wrong with the monitors
    C. he lived in a house in the countryside
    D. his house was built on a uranium-bearing rock.
    43. The monitors at the gates of the plant building gave alarms     .D
    A. only when Watras was leaving the building
    B. whenever Watras’s co-workers were leaving the building
    C. only when Watras was passing through one day
    D. whenever Watras was passing through them
    44. Watras understood he was picking up radiation at home as       .A
    A. he always set off alarms when passing through the monitors
    B. most of his co-worker passed through the monitors without problem
    C. he proved one day he wasn’t picking up radiation at work
    D. scientists found out his house contained radiation
    45. The Watrases moved into a hotel because      .C
    A. they had been exposed to 260,000 chest X-rays
    B. they might have go lung cancer
    C. the house contained too much radon
    D. scientists found under his house there was a uranium-bearing rock
    V. Daily Conversation
    Directions : Pick out five appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete

    A. and you can rent up to 6 movies at a time    B. Do you have any new movies for rent?
    C. I’d like to rent these movies               D. And when do I need to return them?
    E. Any discount?                          F. How much is the rentals in all?
    G. So be sure to return them on time.
    ——Hi. May I help you?
    ——Yeah.    46  F  . How much are movie rentals?
    ——Well, new movies are $3.50, and other movies are $2,     47   B  .
    ——Oh, well, I’ll just take these… and these tonight.     48  A   .
    ——Ok, let’s see… your total tonight comes to $ 11.
    ——   49  E .
    ——They are due back the day after tomorrow by 10 o’clock pm..
    ——Thursday, Ok.
    ——And you have to pay an extra fee equal to the rental fee of the video if you return them late.   50  G  .


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