北京科技大学远程与成人教育学院招生入学考试 专科(理工类) 试题(A卷)题号一二三四总分得分注意: 本试卷满分为150分, 考试时间为1...
专科(理工类) 试题(A卷)
注意: 本试卷满分为150分, 考试时间为120分钟。
卷 一(英语)
Passage 1
When you have a dinner party, what should you do? The following will help you.
Try to open the door for each guest. If someone else answers the door, go to welcome your guests as soon as you can. Always offer to take their coats and ask, “Would you like me to take your coat?”
People often bring gifts like flowers or chocolates to a dinner party. Be ready to receive the gifts if they do. Get a vase so that you can put the flowers in water.
Never leave a guest unattended, especially when there is only one guest! If there is more than one, they can talk to each other.
If the party is at home, a good idea is to have a toilet sign for people who don’t know your house. If the party is somewhere else, like a restaurant, try not to be too loud, because not everyone in the restaurant is at your party.
- If others answer the door, you should _____.
- go to receive their presents
- leave them talk freely
- go to welcome your guests as soon as possible
- close the door fro them
- If people bring gifts to your dinner party, you should _____.
- help them put the gifts on the table
- be ready to receive them
- get vase
- put the flowers in water
- If there is only one guest, you should _____.
- make him / her sit at a table
- make him / her wait until you are free
- never leave him / her unattended
- never talk to him / her
- If you have the party at home, you should _____.
- invite lots of people
- try to be loud
- talk with each other
- have a toilet sign for people who don’t know your house
- If you have the party in a restaurant, you should _____.
- try not to be too loud
- have a toilet sign for people
C. attend everyone
D. talk to everyone
Passage 2
Many people like to chat using QQ. In fact, QQ has changed a large number of Chinese people’s communication habits. Do you know who invented QQ? It was Ma Huateng.
Ma Huateng was born in Guangdong in 1971. When he was very young, he showed a great interest in astronomy. However, he chose computer science when he entered Shenzhen University in 1989. He worked hard and became the best students in his class.
Ma worked as a computer programmer for a company in Shenzhen for five years after he graduated in 1993. His job was good and he made a lot of money. However, Ma left the company and started his own company in 1998. It was difficult at the beginning and he had to work hard everyday. After he invented QQ, his business got better and better. It’s said than now there are more than two hundred million people using QQ. It is a number that even Ma Huateng himself thought impossible.
- Ma Huateng was interested in _____ when he was young.
A. people’s communication habits B. astronomy
C. computer science D. making money
- Ma Huateng entered Shenzhen University at the age of _____.
A. 17 B. 18 C. 21 D. 22
- He majored in _____in the university.
A. astronomy B. computer science
C. business D. economy
- –How far is it from your home to the post office?
- It’s about _____.
A. 10 minutes ride B. 10 minute’s ride
C. 10 minutes’ride D. 10-minutes ride
- Would you like to read the English _____ on the medicine bottle for me?
A. instruction B. meanings C. picture D. document
- _____ of the hats suited him, so Jack had to try on the third one.
A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. All
- I got a beautiful bike on _____ birthday, I like it very much.
A. fifteenth B. fifteen C. my fifteen D. my fifteenth
- We’ll stay in this city for _____.
A. one and a half years B. one and a half year
C. one and half year D. half and one year
- The work is too difficult for Mr. Zhou to finish in a week. He needs _____ days.
A. more two B. two more C. two another D. two
- My parents were born _____.
A. in the 1960s B in the 1960 C. in 1960s D. in 1960’s
- The South Bridge, a ___ bridge, is already open to traffic.
A. 32 kilometer long B. 32-kilometer-long
C. 32 kilometers long D. 32-kilometers-long
- Mr. Lin gave the textbooks to all the students _____ the ones who had already taken them.
A. except B. including C. among D. with
- I don’t think one can keep healthy _____ enough exercise.
A. with B. without C. for D. by
- Bob promises to join the football match _____ he has to help his parents on the farm.
A. if B. as C. unless D. when
- After rebuilding, our school is becoming _____.
A. more and more beautiful B. more beautiful and beautiful
C. beautiful and beautiful D. the more beautiful
- Would you mind speaking a little _____? I can’t follow you.
A. quietly B. slowly C. quickly D. politely
- This morning jack came to school _____ than _____ student in his class.
A. much late; any B. much late; any other
C. much later; any D. much later; any other
- Learning _____ country’s language is a better way of knowing _____ culture behind it.
A. the; a B. a; the C. /; the D. a; /
- It’s nice of you to _____ so much time showing me around your school.
A. take B. spend C. cost D. have
- How long could I _____ your English-Chinese dictionary?
A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. get
- Your trousers are on the floor. Please _____.
A. pick up them B. put up them
C. pick them up D. put them up
Many people love eating pancakes. But do you know there is a holiday
27 Pancake Day in England? It
28 many years ago, and it is usually in March.
English people usually celebrate the day with fun games. However, the most well-known activity
29 that day is the pancake race.
In some villages and towns in England, the pancake race
30 every year. Traditionally, it was a race for women only. There were special rules about the pancake race: housewives must wear aprons. They must run about 410 meters. A bell rang twice before the race started. With the first bell the women made their pancakes. With the second bell they started running with a cooked pancake in a frying pan. While running the race, they each must toss the pancake three times and catch it back in the frying pan. If the pancake fell down, the runner must pick it up and toss it again.
Now the pancake race is still a major activity on Pancake Day. Everyone, no matter man or woman, young or old, can get fun from it.
27. |
A. called |
B. celebrated |
C. thought |
D. taken |
28. |
A. finished |
B. started |
C. happened |
D. spent |
29. |
A. at |
B. from |
C. in |
D. on |
30. |
A. takes place |
B. has |
C. holds |
D. carries |
卷 二(数学)







卷 三(语文)
- 宛然/嘻游/再接再厉/萍水相逢
- 幽僻/和协/亭亭玉立/豁然开朗
- 掂记/斑驳/川流不息/噤若寒蝉
- 风致/树阴/班门弄斧/无福消受
虽然是满月,天上却有一层淡淡的云,()不能朗照,但我以为这恰是到了好处----酣眠( )不可少,小睡( )别有风味的。
- 尽管/固/却
- 尽管/虽然/却
- 所以/固/也
- 所以/虽然/还
- 柏林/伯乐/船舶/淡泊名利
- 磕头/瞌睡/唠嗑/溘然长逝
- 胴体/恫吓/炯炯/迵然不同
- 笑靥/梦魇/赝品/义愤填膺
- 松弛/掉书袋/陈词滥调/失之东隅,收之桑隅
- 阵角/黄粱梦/精兵简政/人为刀俎,我为鱼肉
- 厮打/绵里针/殒身不恤/一言既出,驷马难追
- 修茸/破天荒/夜阑人静/明修栈道,暗渡陈仓
(1)海外华侨华人纷纷发表声明和谈话,坚决拥护( )《反分裂国家法》。
A、 制定/振奋/推迟
B、 制定/震撼/推迟
C、 制订/振奋/延迟
D、 制订/震撼/延迟
- 全收收集了汪曾祺从1941年的第一篇小说到临终前的几乎全部作品,这对众多的“汪迷”来说,真可以大块朵颐了。
- 苏轼《和子由渑池怀旧》试一下的前四句说明了一个哲理。苏轼早年的经历、理想、抱负有如雪泥鸿爪,如今回忆起来令人感慨万千。
- 面对王进同学一家的不幸遭遇,大家纷纷伸出援助之手,你五十,我一百,二一添作五,不一会儿功夫,捐了三千多元钱。
- 信息网络的发展,形成了一个新的思想文化阵地,各种思想以迅雷不及掩耳之势在网上传播。
A、 “神州五号”升空,使中国跻身于世界上实现载人航天飞行的国家。
B、 今天老师又在班会上表扬了自己,但是我觉得还需要继续努力。
C、 日前,国土资源部公布了第二批通过规划审核的43个国家级经济技术开发区名单。
D、 当今世界,自主知识产权占比重是衡量一个国家科学发展水平的标志,而科学进步与否是国家富强的标志。
48. “凤凰台上凤凰游,凤去楼空江自流”两句的抒情方法是:
A、 借景抒情
B、 借事抒情
C、 借传说故事抒情
D、 借象征手法抒情
- 漂亮/飘零/剽窃成果/虚无缥缈
- 堤堰/酽茶/偃仰啸歌/揠苗助长
- 懦弱/儒雅/妇孺皆知/耳濡目染
- 牺牲/栖息/不值一晒/挥洒自如
- 卓尔不群/出其不意/兵荒马乱/名副其实
- 毕恭毕敬/垂拱而治/世外桃源/提纲挈领
- 以逸代劳/改弦更张/盘根错节/锱铢必较
- 未竟事业/名门望族/积重难返/座无虚席
- 澎湃/烹饪/鲲鹏/旧雨新朋/蓬头垢面
- 其他/秀颀/祈求/萁豆相煎/骑虎难下
- 关隘/妨碍/令嫒/自怨自艾/爱莫能助
- 轶事/安逸/谥号/不翼而飞/嘉言懿行
A、 病征/老羞成怒/繁文缛节/沧海桑田
B、 噩运/人情练达/耳根清静/目不暇给
C、 折叠/靡靡之音/出其不意/雕虫小技
D、 灰烬/再接再厉/翔实可信/龙腾虎越
(1)对于放下武器的敌军官兵,一律不杀,愿留者( ),愿去者遣送。
(2)仲华的生活相当( ) ,五十年代初我到他家里,看不见一张床,他晚上就睡在三用沙发上。
(3)一种是英雄,他见别人死的死伤的伤,只有他健在,自己就觉得怎样( ),这么那么夸耀战场上的威雄。
A、 收容/简朴/了不得
B、 收留/俭朴/不得了
C、 收留/简朴/了不得
D、 收容/俭朴/不得了
- 在本届农运会开幕式上,各民族运动员跳起特色不同的、风情各异的舞蹈或表演富有特色的文体节目,令人耳目一新。
- 有一些主持人,明明说得一口流利的普通话,却偏偏盲目模仿港台腔,显得不伦不类。
- 就是千夫所指一片喊打的吃野味,也在某些地方悄悄东山再起。
- 朝鲜代表此言一出,谈判气氛顿时紧张起来,形势的逆转导致原来很确定的结果付诸东流。
- 会议提出,要抓住当前公民道德建设面临的大好时机,乘势而上,不断开拓公民道德建设的新局面。
- 决定指出,要建设建全资助家庭经济困难学生就学制度,保障农村适龄少年儿童接受教育。
- 事故调查结论表明,施工单位指挥不当和现场管理人员的违章施工,导致这起事故的直接发生。
- 特别要大力弘扬和培育民族精神,把具体的道德规范和道德要求转化为民族精神,变成广大群众的自觉行动。
- 向处在泥土中的根本拜舞
- 条条不忘根本
- 或者和它亲吻
- 常常俯首顾着下面
- 时时借了春风之力
A、 (4)(3)(1)(2)(5)
B、 (2)(4)(5)(1)(3)
C、 (2)(5)(4)(1)(3)
D、 (4)(2)(3)(5)(1)
- 悼念/泥淖/绰绰有余/掉以轻心
- 窠臼/沉疴/溘然长逝/恪尽职守
- 曲解/屈节/通衢大道/面面相觑
- 绚丽/渲染/徇私枉法/喧宾夺主
- 辜负/自欺欺人/作祟/一张一弛,文武之道
- 精悍/钟鼓馔玉/奥秘/偷鸡不成蚀把米
- 提纲/试目以待/赝品/前世不忘,后世之师
- 通谍/寻物启事/汲取/百尺杆头,更进一步
(1)每次交代任务,他都要借口( )。
(2)学员们反映,听李教授讲课,总是( )匪浅。
(3)学术界对这件出土文物所属的年代,一直有( )。
(4)目前语言文字的( ),仍然存在着较为混乱的现象。
A、 推托/收益/争议/应用
B、 推脱/收益/异议/应用
C、 推脱/受益/异议/运用
D、 推托/受益/争议/运用
A、 《红楼梦》通过对贾、史、王、薛四大家族的全景式描绘,把封建贵族社会内部的各种关系和各种矛盾
B、 他生活经验丰富,无论多棘手的事儿,都能
C、 近期各大媒体对牛玉儒事迹
D、 在推翻萨达姆政权之后,布什政府为理一点控制海湾,又指控伊拉克的比邻秘密兴建核设施,其意在