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       发布时间:2014-04-11 10:21:25

    北京科技大学远程与成人教育学院招生入学考试 专科(理工类) 试题(C卷)题号一二三四总分得分注意: 本试卷满分为150分, 考试时间为1...

      专科(理工类) 试题(C卷)


    题号 总分
    注意: 本试卷满分为150分, 考试时间为120分钟。
    卷 一(英语)
    • 阅读理解(共8小题,每题2.5分,共20分)
    Passage 1
    Dear Miss Advice,
    I’ve got a problem. I lent a friend some money three months ago. She still hasn’t paid me back, and now I need the money for car repairs. Last month, I talked to her about the money, so I don’t think she has forgotten. I don’t want to push her, but I need to have my car repaired soon. What should I do?
    Dear Ann,
       Give your friend a call. Bring up your car, and let your friend know the repairs will be expensive. Tell her politely that you don’t have enough money for the repairs, and you need her to pay the money back. If she respects you, she’ll return the money. If she makes excuses, you might think about whether you still want her as a friend or not.
                                             Miss Advice
    1. What’s Ann’s problem?
    2. She doesn’t know how to make her friend pay back the money.
    3. Her friend doesn’t respect her.
    4. Her friend doesn’t have enough money to travel by car.
    5. She doesn’t know how to talk with her friend.
    6. How does Ann know that her friend has not forgotten to pay back the money?
    7. Ann asked her to pay back the money last month.
    8. Ann talked to her about the money last month.
    9. Ann told her about the car repairs last month.
    10. Ann called her to repair the car last month.
    11. Miss Advice told Ann _____.
    12. to respect her friend
    13. to let her friend return money at once
    14. to let her friend know she needed the money for car repairs
    15. to let her friend repair her car
    16. If Ann’s friend respects her, she will _____.
    A. pay the money back      B. give her a call
    C. make excuses           D. have Ann’s car repaired
    1. If Ann’s friend makes excuses, Ann might think about _____.
    2. whether she still wants her as a friend
    3. whether she still respects her
    4. whether she will give her a call
    5. whether she will have her car repaired
    Passage 2
    Everybody wants to have a happy life. The problem is that no one teaches you how to live a happy life. There are many ways to do this. And here are three of them to help you start.
    Define What Happiness Is.
    I often hear people say they want to be happy. But when I ask them what happiness is to them, they can hardly explain it. If you don’t know what happiness is to you, happiness is only a word.
    Have Goals
    If you know what makes you happy, then you need to have goals to get those things. You can’t get something if you only want it, but don’t make it come.
    Don’t Do Things That Make You Unhappy
      This may look very easy, but you would be surprised there are so many people dong things that make them unhappy. If you want happiness in your life, then you have t do things that make you happy.
    1. _____ can teach you how to live a happy life.
    A. Everybody     B. A book     C. No one     D. A doctor
    1. _____ ways are mentioned to help us start a happy life in this passage.
    A. Two     B. Three     C. Four     D. Five
    1. The underlined word “it” refers to _____.
    2. what makes you happy
    3. how many people do things that make them unhappy
    4. what goals you have
    5. what is happiness
    6. life.
    1. Your new shoes are _____, so you should ask your mother to buy a new pair for you.
    A. broke   B. dirty   C. out of style   D nice
    1. What _____ if they _____ to music in class?
    A. will happen; listen       B. will happen; will listen
    C. is happening; listen      D. happens; will listen
    1. – You aren’t a professional athlete, are you?
    - _____. I am just a foot ball fan.
       A. Yes, I am.      B. No, I am not.  
    C. Of course      D. Sometimes
    1. – I called you last night, but nobody answered it.
    - Oh, we _____ some shopping in Star Shopping Mall.
    A. did   B. were doing   C. have done   D. are doing
    1. A great meeting about weather change _____ in Copenhagen in December, 2009.
    A. took place   B. took pride   C. took care   D. took after
    1. – Must he finish the work before supper?
    - No, he _____. He _____ finish it after supper.
    A. needn’t; can     B. mustn’t; may  
    C. need; can       D. must; may
    1.  What a nice picture of a house. It would be _____ with some green trees around it.
    A. good     B. better     C. worse    D. bad 
    1. I must return the dictionary to Allen now. I _____ it for three weeks already.
    A. kept   B. will keep   C. keep   D. have kept
    1. There are so many kinds of computers in the shop. I really don’t know ___ to choose.
    A. what     B. which     C. how     D. where
    1. Helen has two sisters and a brother. Her brother is working, but ___ her sisters are still at school.
    A. neither     B. either     C. all     D. both
    1. He ___ much food ___ the poor family during the hard time.
    A. provides; with         B. provided; to
    C. provided; with         D. provides; for
    1. The teacher made us ___ English exercises all the time.
    A. do     B. did     C. doing     D. to do
    1. Diana, together with her friends, ___ Chinese in China.
    A. study   B. have studied   C. studies   D. are studying
    1. It will ___ you about thirteen hours to fly to England from Hong Kong.
    A. spend     B. take     C. use     D. pay
    1. –What did you do ___ Sunday morning?
    –I studied ___ an English test.
    A. in; on     B. in; for     C. on; for     D. on; with
    1. I knew that the sun ___ in the east when I was a child.
    A. will rise     B. rose     C. rise     D. rises
    1. To my ___, he didn’t feel ___ at the news at all.
    A. surprise; surprising       B. surprise; surprised
    C. surprised; surprised       D. surprised; surprise
    1. I sit ___ Linda. She is just on my left.
    A. in front of   B. next to   C. behind   D. opposite
    Americans like to travel on holidays. Today more and more travelers in America are spending nights at small houses or inns instead of 27 . They get a room for the night and the 28 for the next morning.
    Rooms for the night in private homes with breakfast have been 29 with travelers in Europe for many years.
    In the past five to ten years, these bed-and-breakfast places have 30 popular in America. Many of these American inns are old  buildings. Some have only a few rooms. Others are much larger . Some inns do not provide telephones in the rooms while  others do.
    Staying at an inn is much different from  staying at a hotel. Usually the cost is much less . Staying at an inn is almost like visiting someone’s home. The owners are glad to tell about the area and the interesting places to travelers . Many travelers say they enjoy the chance to meet the local families.
    27. A. hotels B. homes C. restaurants D. buildings
    28. A. sport B. breakfast C. lunch D. dinner
    29. A. expensive B. new C. popular D. big
    30. A. gone B. done C. found D. become
    卷 二(数学)










    卷 三(语文)
    • 会议提出,要抓住当前公民道德建设面临的大好时机,乘势而上,不断开拓公民道德建设的新局面。
    • 决定指出,要建设建全资助家庭经济困难学生就学制度,保障农村适龄少年儿童接受教育。
    • 事故调查结论表明,施工单位指挥不当和现场管理人员的违章施工,导致这起事故的直接发生。
    • 特别要大力弘扬和培育民族精神,把具体的道德规范和道德要求转化为民族精神,变成广大群众的自觉行动。
    • 向处在泥土中的根本拜舞
    • 条条不忘根本
    • 或者和它亲吻
    • 常常俯首顾着下面
    • 时时借了春风之力
    A、 (4)(3)(1)(2)(5)
    B、 (2)(4)(5)(1)(3)
    C、 (2)(5)(4)(1)(3)
    D、 (4)(2)(3)(5)(1)
    • 念/泥/绰有余/以轻心
    • 臼/沉/然长逝/尽职守
    • 解/节/通大道/面面相
    • 丽/染/私枉法/宾夺主
    • 辜负/自欺欺人/作祟/一张一弛,文武之道
    • 精悍/钟鼓馔玉/奥秘/偷鸡不成蚀把米
    • 提纲/试目以待/赝品/前世不忘,后世之师
    • 通谍/寻物启事/汲取/百尺杆头,更进一步
    (1)每次交代任务,他都要借口( )。
    (2)学员们反映,听李教授讲课,总是( )匪浅。
    (3)学术界对这件出土文物所属的年代,一直有( )。
    (4)目前语言文字的( ),仍然存在着较为混乱的现象。
    A、 推托收益争议应用
    B、 推脱收益异议应用
    C、 推脱受益异议运用
    D、 推托受益争议运用
    A、 《红楼梦》通过对贾、史、王、薛四大家族的全景式描绘,把封建贵族社会内部的各种关系和各种矛盾和盘托出
    B、 他生活经验丰富,无论多棘手的事儿,都能左右逢源,处理得人人满意。
    • 有关部门人士强调,一旦政府制定了具体的退休人员加薪方案,将会及时通过多种媒体,向社会公布。
    • 有些炎症,西药能治,中药也能治,不仅中药能与一般的抗菌素媲美,而且副作用少,成本也较低。
    • 在最近一期的学报上,发表有1926年和1928年新发现的鲁迅写给许广平的五封书信,引起了鲁迅研究者的广泛注意。
    • 《消费者权益保护法》深受广大消费者所欢迎,因为它强化了人们的自我保护意识,使消费者的权益得到了最大限度的保护。
    (a)我沿着夕阳下的不上经散步,( )听泉水低低地吟唱。
    • 看漫山遍野的鲜花,让晚风轻拂着发丝,
    • 让晚风轻拂着发丝,看漫山遍野的鲜花,
    • 味摩诘之诗,诗中有画
    • 味摩诘之画,画中有诗
    A、(1)(2)    B、(1)(4)    C、(2)(3)    D、(2)(4)
    (1)雅典奥运会上,当我国女排以5:3战胜俄罗斯女排时体育馆内顿时暴发出( )的欢呼声。
    (2)这家公司( )世界同类行业之首,是因为两年内有三项产品获得国际金奖。
    (3)绿岛商铺既有浓郁的怀旧意味,满足人们的怀旧( )又提供现代商业模式,制造挣钱的机会。
    (4)个人幸福( )从物质生活得到快乐和幸福,( )包括从精神生活得到的快乐。
    A、 震耳欲聋/跃居/情结/不仅是/也
    B、 振耳欲聋/跻身/情绪/不是/而是
    C、 振耳欲聋/跃居/情绪/不仅是/也
    D、 震耳欲聋/跻身/情结/不是/而是
    • 国产大片《英雄》在我市上映时,电影票极其难买,电影院内中途退场的观众也是凤毛麟角
    • 她对公婆摧眉折腰,很是孝顺。
    • 中东、西来地区的民族问题盘根错节,希图用“简单化”的手段解决问题是有害的。
    • 校长十分关心贫困生,三顾茅庐了解张三的家庭情况,想法解决他的生活问题。
    • 加大监督力度,制止和规范权力消费行为已成为反腐败斗争中迫在眉睫的问题。
    • 据《人民日报》报道,目前我国居民42%的储蓄用于子女教育,这个比例已超过了用于养老或购房的储蓄比例。
    • 他唱的这首歌比任何特效药都好,把一天工作的疲劳与瞌睡都赶到九霄云外去了。
    • 我们的乒乓球运动三十年来长盛不衰,不论男女项目、团体项目还是各个单项,都处于世界领先地位。
    人,这世界上最具灵性的动物,也离不开水的滋润,( )让人具有水一般的不屈的性格。
    巍峨险峻的大山拦不住汹涌的波涛,而汹涌的波涛却摧不折人类精神鼓起的风帆,( ),我也看到了人类所具有的水一般的不屈的性格。
    • 水渗入了人的灵魂,合成人的血肉之躯
    • 水在合成人血肉之躯的同时,也渗入了人灵魂。
    • 在大海的背景下,我听到了海明威崇拜的那位老人的呐喊
    • 听吧,在大海的背景下海明威崇拜的那们老人在呐喊
    A、(1)(3)   B、(2)(4)   C、(1)(4)   D、(2)(3)
    • 领略/感触/陪衬/流览
    • 椭圆/颓废/落寞/歧路
    • 点缀/萧瑟/细腻/厮叫
    • 橄榄/梧桐/蟋蟀/驯鸽
    54. 下列画线的词语使用没有语病的一项是:
    • 他这种公而忘私的精神值得我们效尤
    • 各强队厉兵秣马觊觎金牌桂冠。
    • 这位老诗人晚年可谓江郎才尽,写出一些口号诗,表态诗之类,令读者大失所望。
    • 小沈是我青梅竹马的朋友,当时我们常常像亲兄弟一样在一块玩。
    • 眉黛/一副画/惨绝人寰
    • 鹊跃/一片蓝/法网恢恢
    • 轻灵/一重墙/倜傥不羁
    • 笼罩/一只雁/幅圆辽阔
    • 周处少年时,强侠气。
    • 应之以法则吉,应之经乱则凶。
    • 乐岁终身饱,年免于亡。
    • 庶竭驽钝,攘除奸
    • 望洋向若而叹曰
    • 径流之大,两涘渚崖之间不辩牛马
    • 今我睹子之难穷也
    • 吾长见笑于大方之家
    • 尽管双方根本不是君臣关系,但刘邦却自称为“臣”。
    • 双方同为抗秦的统军人物,但刘帮却称对方为“将军”。
    • 漫不经心地说自己是“不自意能先入关破秦”。
    • 故意说:“得复见将军于此”,提起双方往昔有过旧交,以动对方之情。
    • 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。
    • 寒山转苍翠绿,秋水日潺湲。
    • 岩芷汀兰,郁郁青青。
    • 野芳发而幽香,佳木秀而繁阴。
    • 充分表现了诗人眷恋故土的思乡感情。
    • 说明关在笼中的鸟都喜欢飞回树林里,养在池溏中的鱼都盼望游回江河之中。
    • 表达了诗人不愿受人摆弄、任人驱使的主张。
    • 形象地表现了诗人渴求摆脱官场羁绊,渴求早日回归乡里,怡然 躬耕的心愿。


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