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       发布时间:2014-04-11 10:28:59

    语文一、基础知识(总34分)1、下列词语中画线的字,读音全都相同的一组是( )(A)(2分)A:差错 误差 差强人意 差可告慰B:解决 押解 浑身...

    1下列词语中画线的字,读音全都相同的一组是(  )(A)  (2分)
    A:错    误    强人意    可告慰
    B:决    押    浑身数    不求甚
    C:堵    边    闭目听    敷衍
    D:炼    防    纲挈领    耳面命
    2下列四组词语中都有错别字,其中只有一个错别字的一组是(   )(D)  (2分)
    A:浑浑噩噩  针贬时弊  狗苟蝇营  贪脏枉法
    B:脱颍而出  繁文缛节   回肠荡气   不径而走
    C:风声鹤唳   纷至踏来  积毁消骨   穿凿附会
    D:人才汇萃   草菅人命  风靡一时   步履维艰
    3指出下列句子结构不完整的一项是(  )(A)  (2分)
    4下列句子中应看作单句的是(  )(B)  (2分)
    5依次填人下面横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是(    ) (C)  (2分)
    幸福是什么?幸福就是自己觉得幸福。           这只是一句人人皆知的大白话。        我却知道,有不少人,            很多人并非为自己的感觉,           为了他人的观瞻而建设自己的人生与生活。          窥察别人生活及家庭,便成了我们生活的另一部分。
    A:即使    而      甚至    不但    而且
    B:尽管    而      甚至    只是    因而
    C:尽管    但是    而且    而是    因此
    D:也许    而      甚至    而是    因而 
    6列各句中,画线的成语使用恰当的一句是(    ) (D)  (2分)
    7下面句中缺空的词语可以是(    )  (D)  (2分)
    “馆中的蜡像,有坐的,有站的,有仰天而笑,有怒目而视,每一尊         。 
    A:风度翩翩      B:道貌岸然      C:惟妙惟肖     D:栩栩如生
    8下列句子中,没有语病,句意明确的一句是(    )(B)  (2分)
    9下列句子中标点符号的使用,正确的一句是(  )(A)  (2分)
    下面四项表述,其中错误的一项是( )(B)  (2分)
    11下列各句,没有语病、句意明确的一句是(  )(D)  (2分)
    12下列汉字声母相同的一组是(    )(A)  (2分)
    A:史   术   闪   爽    B:抱   赖   海   佩    C:滥   聊   酿   缕    D:渴   槐   凯   课
    13下列四句话用的词语相同,但强调的重点却不同。其中分别强调“受话人”和“打电话”的一组是(  )(C)  (2分)
    • 他上午在家里是给我打了一次电
    • 他上午是在家里给我打一次电话。
    • 他是上午在家里是给我打了一次电话
    • 他上午在家里给我是打了一次电话。
    A:(2)   (3)    B:(1)   (2)    C:(1)   (4)     D:(3)   (4)
    14下列句子中重复出现的加点词语在意思上不尽相同的一项是(  )(B)  (2分)
    A:黑夜,静寂得像死 一般的黑夜
    15下面句子表达上没有歧义的一句是(  )(C)  (2分)
    16填入文中横线上,与上文衔接最恰当的一项是(   )(D)  (2分)
        正说着,     。一个须眉花白的瑶族老人站在门里,手里提这一杆明火枪。
    A:一个老人推开了门 B:一个老人把门推开了C:门被一个老人推开了D:门被推开了
    17《琵琶行》的作者是(  )(D)  (2分)
    A:王维      B:白居易        C:李白        D:杜甫
    蚊对   (明)方孝孺
    [注] ①翣(shà):扇子
    18对下列句子中词语的解释,不正确的一项是(  )(A)  (2分)
    A:赋形受质               质:资质
    B:今人乃自贵其贵         贵:以……为贵
    C:畜妻而育子,同也       畜:养
    D:乘其同类之间而陵之     陵:欺凌
    19下列各组句子中,括号中词的意义和用法相同的一组是(  ) (B)  (2分)
    A:生惊寤,以为风雨且至(也)    邻之厚,君之薄(也)
    B:尔不谨,褰帷(而)放之人      宁赴常流(而)葬乎江鱼腹中耳
    C:(其)食乎物者,可谓泰矣      (其)孰能讥之乎
    D:(而)物独不可食于人耶        臣诚恐见欺于王(而)负赵
    20下列各句括号中补出的省略成分,不正确的一项是(    )(C)  (2分)
    21下列对原文有关内容的赏析,不正确的一项是(    )(D)  (2分)
    22文中画线处“喧闹”一词所强调的意思是()(A)  (2分)
    23下列理解不符合“看莫高窟,不是看死了一千多年的标本,而是看活了一千多年的生命”原意的一项是() (C)  (2分)
    24对“这里什么也没有,只有人的生命在蒸腾”一句的理解,正确的一项是()(B)  (2分)
    25对唐代洞窟艺术创作特点的概括,有误的一项是()(D)  (2分)

    1Always being ready to care for others is ______ important part of ______ Lei Feng’s spirit. It is never out of date.    (B)  (0.5分)
    A:an; the          B:an; 不填          C:不填; the          D:不填; 不填
    2一Did you remember to pay the telephone bill?      
    一The telephone bill ? ______   (A)  (0.5分)
    A:That isn’t due yet.                B:Are you sure ?  
    C:My telephone is out of order.       D:Please remember the amount.  
    3After the Shenzhou VI capsule (太空舱) touched down, two astronauts succeeded  in traveling around the earth, thus again _______China is a global space power.     (A)  (0.5分)
    A:proving        B:to prove         C:to have proved        D:being proved  
    4______ with such great difficulty, Jack felt at a loss______. (B)  (0.5分)
    A:facing; what to say            B:Faced; what to say
    C:Having faced; how to tell       D:Being faced ; how to speak    
    5With online course Crazy English has over 20 million students all over China ______ the class through Internet.      (C)  (0.5分)
    A: attend        B:attended        C:attending         D:to be attending
    6一Was____Bill_____ played basketball very well, _____ helped the blind man cross the road?
    一Yes, of course. He is always ready to help others. (D)  (0.5分)
    A:it; that; who      B:this; who; that      C:which; that; that      D:it; who; that
    7一Is Johnson on duty today?
    一It _____ be him.It’s my turn.   (D)  (0.5分)
    A: may not        B:won’t        C:mustn’t        D:can’t
    8______money,it remains to be seen whether we can put the idea into practice.   (A)  (0.5分)
    A:Lacking         B:Lacked       C:To lack       D:Having lacked
    9The job is great ________ salary.It has its disadvantages,though.  (C)  (0.5分)
    A:in case of         B:as a result of     C:in terms of          D:except for
    10 Maybe it is time for the rest of society to       the fact       I may not be able to walk,  there are many other great things I can do.   (B)  (0.5分)
    A: adjust to; that                        B:get used to; that while
    C:adapt to; while                          D: go about; that while
    11A terrible example of tsunami which happened in the Indian Ocean_______ more than 150,000 people die in 12 different countries.  (C)  (0.5分)
    A: led         B: resulted        C:saw        D:produced
    12Among the high-risk group of heart disease _______ people with a preference for fat-rich foods.    (A)  (0.5分)
    A:are          B: is        C: who are          D:they are
    13 I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone, for I sometimes want to make sure if he _______ home for dinner.    (D)  (0.5分)
    A: come         B:comes         C: has come         D:will come
    14Hearing the sad story, _______.    (D)  (0.5分)
    A:tears came to her eyes            B:her face turned pale
    C:her eyes were full of tears         D:she couldn’t hold back her tears
    15We hoped to be able to move into our new house at the end of the month, but things didn’t _______ as we expected.    (A)  (0.5分)
    A:work out      B:move out       C: carry out       D:gets out
    16一l had a really good weekend at my uncle‘s.
    一_______.    (D)  (0.5分)  
    A:Oh. that‘s very nice of you           B:Congratulations
    C:It‘s a pleasure                     D:Oh. I‘m glad to hear that
    17 一I’m going to the post office.
    一_______ you‘re there. can you get me some stamps? (B) (0.5分)  
    A:As        B: While      C:Because       D: If
    18Paper money was in _____use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in  _______ thirteenth century.(C)     (0.5分)
    A:the;不填        B:the;the        C:不填;the        D:不填;不填
    19一Are the new rules working?
        一Yes,_______ books are stolen.    (A)  (0.5分)
    A:Few        B:More        C:Some         D:None
    20一Alice. you feed the bird today, _______  ?
        一But I fed it yesterday.     (B)  (0.5分)
    A:do you        B:will you        C:didn‘t you        D:don‘t you
    21_______ you‘ve got a chance. you might as well make full use of it.      (A)  (0.5分)
    A:Now that        B:After        C:Although        D: As soon as
    22_______ him and then try to copy what he does.      (D)  (0.5分)
    A:Mind        B:Glance at        C:Stare at        D:Watch
    23一I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.
    一Is that _______ you had a few days off?           (A)  (0.5分)
    A:why        B: when         C:what        D: where
    24The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, ______ it more difficult.  (B)  (0.5分)
    A:not make        B:not to make         C:not making         D:do not make
    25一Will you stay for lunch?
    一Sorry, _______  ,My brother is coming to see me.   (B)  (0.5分)
    A:I mustn‘t       B:I can‘t       C:I needn‘t       D:I won‘t
    26The price________ , but I doubt whether it will remain so. (C)  (0.5分)
    A:went down      B:will go down      C: has gone down      D: was going down
    27Few pleasures can equal________ of a cool drink on a hot day. (C)  (0.5分)
    A:some         B:any        C:that        D:those
    28 You should make it a rule to leave things________ you can find them again.  (B)  (0.5分)
    A:when        B:where        C:then        D:there
    29Carol said the work would be done by October. ___ personally I doubt very much. (D)  (0.5分)
    A:it        B:that        C:when        D:which
    30一Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?
    一Yes. They have better players, so I_______ them to win.(C)  (0.5分)
    A:hope        B:prefer        C:expect        D:want
        I told her everything that had happened to me in Dr Webber’s secret brain-research Lab, out on the other side of Crystal Town. I showed her the photos I had    1   taken with a hidden micro-camera. I told her about my best friend-Plummet-who had  2   with me. I told her how he was afraid to come to the police. She   3  again.
        “Don’t you worry, Mr. Serge. You’ve got nothing to   4  from us. If you can take us to this Research Lab, we will come with you   5   and close the place down. This Dr Webber sounds very   6  . ”Her words were like music to my ears. I   7  with relief. Twenty minutes later, we were on a    8   boat, racing back across Piccadilly Lake, on our way back to the Research Lab, with six officers, all   9  with nerve guns.
        The 10  of Dr Webber being shot with a nerve gun and arrested made me very   11  . But I was also frightened.  12  back to that place was the last thing I wanted to do. I suddenly felt very  13 . I lay down in the back of the boat and watched the paragliders(滑翔机)and balloons  14  by over head. They
    must have banned (禁止)motor vehicles from the London sky   15   I was away.
        It was much more peaceful up there. Better than the noisy jet-cars and helicopters (直升飞机)that used to block out the sky  sky  . My eyes closed and I fell asleep. I slept until I heard a voice whispering in my ear.
        “Serge! Wake up! ”
        It was Plummet, talking into my tiny micro-radio. He had been watching me from the roof of a nearby tower-block.
        “Hurry up! You’re in trouble! ”
    311 (B)  (1分)
    A:quickly        B:secretly        C:excitedly        D:frequently
    322(A)  (1分)
    A:escaped        B:stayed        C:suffered        D:struggled
    333(D)  (1分)
    A:stopped        B:cried        C:rested        D:smiled
    344(A)  (1分)
    A:fear        B:ask        C:keep        D:steal
    355(D)  (1分)
    A:after all        B:on time        C:at last        D:right now
    366(C)  (1分)
    A:interesting        B:powerful        C:dangerous        D:strange
    377(B)  (1分)
    A:chatted        B:sighted        C:laughed        D:said
    388(D)  (1分)
    A:research        B:fishing        C:travel        D:police
    399(B)  (1分)
    A:covered        B:armed         C:carried       D:brought
    4010(A)  (1分)
    A:thought        B:idea        C:sight        D:dream
    4111(C)  (1分)
    A:sleepy        B:surprised        C:happy          D:nervous
    4212(C)  (1分)
    A:Walking        B:Sailing         C:Going         D:Running
    4313(B)  (1分)
    A:hopeless        B:tired        C:excited        D:sick
    4414(D)  (1分)
    A:flying        B:passing        C:moving        D:floating
    4515(A)  (1分)
    A:while        B:because         C:where        D:since
      “I enjoy being a twin, “ said Helen. “The teachers at school are never sure who they are talking to!Even our friends don’t know sometimes. Once, just for joke, I let Nicky go out with my boy friend. He didn’t notice anything was different, until they got to the disco. I’m much better dance than Nicky!”
       “But there is something I really hate. People think we are halves of the same person. But we’re not! We’re two individuals. That’s why I always wait to see what Nicky’s wearing. Then I put on something else, something completely different.”
       “Oh, and I also hate it when people stare at us, when we’re together –as if we were something out of a circus!”
       “We look alike, but we’re more like opposite than twins,”said Helen. “I can’t think of anybody who is more different from me! We’ve got different friends, we like different music and different school subjects. In fact, I can’t think of anything which we both like, except for spaghetti! People often ask us if we’re telepathic. Somebody even asked me, “If I hit you, will your sister feel it?”I can’t think of anything more stupid!
       “But perhaps, deep down, we are alike. I’ll always remember when we decide to give our dad a birthday card each, instead of sharing one. We didn’t say anything to each other. We went to different shops, and when we got back, we had exactly the same cards!”
    46 Helen and Nicky are _____ .(D)  (2分)
    A:friends        B:brother and sister        C:twin brothers        D:twin sisters
    47Which of the following statements is true?(B)  (2分)
    A:Helen and Nicky are alike almost in every way.
    B:They are always dressed alike.
    C:They have the same interest and taste.
    D:People are always confused by their appearance.
    48Which of the following statements is true?(B)  (2分)
    A:Nicky’s boyfriend did not know when he was going out with Helen.
    B:Helen’s boyfriend did not know when he was going out with Nicky.
    C:Nicky was a better dancer than Helen.
    D:Helen could dance as well as Nicky.
    49We’re more like opposite than twins. This means _____ .(D)  (2分)
    A:They are alike in many ways as if they were twins.
    B:They are alike in many ways though they are not twins.
    C:They are different in many ways though they are twins.
    D:They don’t have a lot in common because they are twins.
    50What is the one thing Helen and Nicky both like?(B)  (2分)
    A: Music.         B:Cards.        C:Mathematics.        D:Spaghetti.
       By the time she got the box open, Nancy was so excited that she could hardly contain herself. Eagerly she removed the cotton surrounding the small object inside the box, and held it up to the light. It glittered and sparkled –made alive by the bright sunlight pouring through the large picture window. Nancy turned the object slowly in her hands, first this way and then that way. It continued to sparkle and shine as if it had a light of its own. She gave a little squeal of delight. Her diamond engagement ring had been found and returned to her, just as that woman on the phone had promised.
       For two weeks, Nancy had almost become a nervous wreck after losing the ring on the subway. She had placed ads in the newspaper and over the radio, offering a reward for the return of the ring. And, she had almost given up hope when the telephone call came.
       A kind, elderly female voice informed her that she had found the ring wedged in a seat cushion. She had called, she said, to ascertain the exact address and had promised to return the ring by insured mail the next day. And then she had added sweetly: “There’s no need top send a reward either. I lost my engagement ring once when I was young, and some kind, unknown person returned it to me the next day. I feel I’m only paying back an old debt of gratitude.”
       Nancy had thanked the finder profusely and asked her name, but the other woman had said that it wasn’t important. And, now, here was the ring once again in her hand. She slipped it once again on her finger and breathed a huge sigh of relief.
    51What did Nancy find in the box?         (C)  (2分)
    A:A small undefined object.
    B: An engagement gift an elderly lady sent her.
    C: The diamond ring she had lost.
    D:A reward for the return of a diamond ring.
    52Did Nancy know what was in the box before she opened it?   (A)  (2分)
    A:Yes, she did. 
    B:No, not at all.
    C:Perhaps she did, but she was not sure. 
    D:Not mentioned in the story.
    53How come she did?              (C)  (2分)
    A:She had placed ads in newspaper.
    B:She had heard about it over the radio.
    C:She had received a phone call from the finder.
    D:She had offered a reward for the return of it.
    54Which of the following statements is true?       (B)  (2分)
    A:The finder phoned because she was not sure it was Nancy’s ring.
    B:The finder had phoned to make sure of Nancy’s exact address.
    C:The finder asked for a reward because she had to pay back an old debt.
    D:The finder was pleased when Nancy asked her name.
    55Nancy was so excited that she could not contain herself. This means _____      (A)  (2分)
    A:that Nancy became a nervous wreck
    B:that she was unable to hold back her feeling of excitement
    C:that she breathed a huge sigh of relief
    D:that she thanked the finder profusely


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